AdSense pays publishers 78.5 cents on the dollar, according to NYTimes

Did you want to know how Google shares its AdSense income? Well, the New-York Times has the answer: and the company’s foreign search sites contribute more to Google’s bottom line than AdSense, because for every dollar the company brings in through AdSense and other places that distribute its ads, it pays roughly 78.5 cents back to sites like Digital Point that display the ads.

Source: NYTimes

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  1. From Free Hogg » Help fellow bloggers, click their ads. on 17 Jan 2006 at 7:40 am

    […] I’m going to try to start a new habit as of tonight. Every time I visit a weblog that I like and/or read regularly, I’m going to start clicking on at least one of their ads, depending on how much time I have. Since most people use Google Adsense and apparently Google gives 78.5% of their ad revenue back to the publisher (All about Google, Ring of Blogs), I figure I might as well do what I can to help a fellow blogger out. I encourage everyone to join me. It’s basically like giving someone money, but you don’t have to pay for it. (I wonder if we could get tax write-offs for charitable donations?) […]