AuctionAds revenue sharing widget for WordPress-MU

AuctionAds is a service that let you place ads for eBay products and earn money when a user takes action on a product

The AuctionAds revenue sharing widget for WordPress-MU will allow you, the owner of a WPMU site, to share AuctionAds revenue with your users. You can set the percentage of your share (default is 20%) and enter your AuctionAds publisher code via the ‘Site Admin‘ backend panel (no files to edit).



Current version: 1.1.

Installation: extract the auction-ad-share-mu.php file and upload it to the mu-plugins directory.

How to use? Goto ‘Site Admin‘ -> ‘Action share‘ and set your AuctionAds share and your AuctionAds publisher code – that is it!

All your users will have to do is drag the ‘Auction Ads‘ widget to the sidebar, click the configuration icon and enter their auctionads_ad_client and set the keywords for their ad (auctionads_ad_kw). One can set more parameters such as the color of the ads, campaign number of ads and more. For the full set of options please log to your AuctionAds account and press the “Get code” button.


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